Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Twitter Fingers. 

Donald Trump has taken to twitter many times to express his displeasure with many things. These things include but are not limited to: Other politicians, businesses, masses of people, other countries, the "fake news media" and many other things. Trump uses twitter to repeatedly bully his way to the front of the media circus that is today's political climate. Trump has said so many controversial and awful things I had no idea where to begin. The fact that even after his seemingly impossible win of the presidential race he feels the need to attack his "many many enemies" is preposterous. You would expect a level of professionalism from someone holding the title of "The leader of the free world". President Obama held the office with such respect, class and world renown professionalism that Trump; in terms of personality and professionalism is a significant step-down. Although I consider my political views Bi-partisan I cannot endorse a word out of Donald Trump's mouth. He continually insults many of the people in this country and then attempts to preach about equality. He continually lies about his policy plans and how he will go about achieving them. His alternative facts are as laughable as his political agenda. His plans are disastrous, he has plans to essentially privatize every sector of government he can. Which is an awful idea, if you don't believe me research the Icelandic government from 2000-2008. His plans are thinly veiled economic distractions for him and his nepotism appointed cabinet and staff to directlly profit off of his position of President. Donald Trump is literally the politician he is always warning the American people about, which frustrates me to no end that his supporters cannot see this. His "Drain the Swap campaign" what happened to that? He took some of the most disreputable bankers, oil lobbyist and Wall St people he could find and put them on his team. Then we have the Wall he wants to build, the 21 Billion dollar wall which Mexico was going to pay for right? After 4 years of studying criminal justice and learning about drug trafficking. Some of the things the traffickers are capable of would astound people. I pose a simple question for you. Would a wall stop you from continuing to make billions of dollars? Might I add you have the capability, money, and engineers to build underground tunnels that stretch 100s of miles and smuggling techniques that police would render a wall useless. I can talk about why the wall isn't a deterrent all day long, but simply put it's a "YUGE" waste of money that will not stop drugs from coming in. The money that is going to be used for the wall can be used for something important. A perfect example of something important that needs attention are the roads and water mains all across America that are deteriorating. There are high concentrations of lead in water all across America and even in major cities, such as Chicago. Lockport itself, the water we drink in the school has been found to have a concerning concentration of led in it. These are important issues that need attention. Last time I checked we need water to live; what we don't need is more privately owned toll roads, which happens to be Trump's main infrastructure plan. The most amazing part about Trump to me is how many people he has convinced to not believe anyone or anything but him. To simplify what he says it would sound something like this "Don't believe anything you see, read or hear! Believe me and only me! I know everything and I never lie" This is his literal approach to any kind of negative report on him or the fact when someone won't buy into his lies. At the end of the day those are tyrannical like statements. He continually questions the constitutional rights of Americans, and acts like a petulant child on a daily basis when he sees something he doesn't agree with. Many have drawn comparisons between Trump and Hitler but I will not. Instead, I will offer a chance to study someone I feel Trump much more relates to. The man I believe he is similar to in many ways is Qin Shi Huang the first Emperor of China. After a quick study you will surely see the similarities. I could continue to go on with what I believe to be the major flaws of not only Trump but his entire administration all day long. Not to mention there are possible elements of treason already emerging. However, until there are undisputed facts I will not go into that. It is unfortunate that we as a country find ourselves so divided on our leader but he is someone who the everyday person should not support. Trump's administration will run the most aggressive supply-side economic plan of all time and it will continue to drive the insanely high wage gap between the 1% and the rest of us. The real enemy of America is corporate greed and Donald Trump is one of the greediest of them all. Proving he's greedy is an easy task, ask any of the hundreds of people who have sued him for non-payment of services rendered. Or how about the people who paid tuition into his illegitimate college in hopes of bettering themselves only to have their money stolen from them. A lawsuit he had to settle because he was clearly defrauding those poor students. So to imagine he would do anything to help the everyday man is laughable. I will end the blog post at this point because like I said I can go on all day about problems with this administration. In summation, I believe this man is not only a joke but dangerous on many different levels. Then again he would call this entire post "Fake News" so what do I know. -__-

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this, Ruben. I agree that we have reason to feel a lack of trust when the pronouncements that "matter" are tweets. I mean, what does it mean to expect that a short soundbite *should* affect policy and sway opinions? If we know anything about the complexity of public discourse, we know that it is complicated and must be nuanced. That's not easy for *anyone* in 140 characters, and our current president seems challenged to respond appropriately to the call. Then again, was there a call? Can't we expect our leader to use more conventional means of speaking to us? So much to say ...
